4C Coalition receives $50,000 grant from Seattle Foundation

The 4C Coalition was recently awarded a grant of $50,000 from the Seattle Foundation. The grant is part of the Seattle Foundation’s commitment to focus more on racial equity by targeting grants to Black-led nonprofit organizations in King County who are serving the Black community.

Founded in 1999, the 4C Coalition is a Seattle-area nonprofit that matches King County youth with mentors recruited from a pool of dedicated and conscientious adults. Its programs have been a powerful force for change, surrounding young people with the care and attention they need.

“This grant will enable us to continue our important work to serve Black and other youth of color in King County,” said Hazel Cameron, executive director. “We are grateful to the Seattle Foundation for this award.”

In order to apply for the program, nonprofits and community groups had to be composed of predominantly Black staff, leadership and boards that served the Black community. The funds will provide resources to build political, economic and social power to ensure that the Black community in King County thrives.

In 2019, Seattle Foundation embarked on two projects to cultivate deeper relationships with Black-led organizations. One of these was a survey targeting 41 Black-led organizations in King County, in which 18 Black nonprofit leaders were interviewed. The researchers hoped to gain better insight into the work and experience of Black-led organizations and their leaders. Researchers asked these selected Black organizations about priority issues as well as their strengths and funding challenges. The Foundation’s report, “The Case for Investing in King County’s Black-led Organizations,” is available on the Seattle Foundation website