The video emphasizes the critical issue of anti-racism in oncology by showcasing the personal stories of Black women and their experiences within the healthcare system. Among the speakers is Charrita Tatum, a former 4C mentee and a current staff member of Seattle CARES Mentoring Movement’s Rising program, contributes her perspective.
India Association of Western Washington supports 4C
The India Association of Western Washington recently donated $2,500 to the 4C Coalition to provide incentives to youth.
“We are blessed beyond words for the support of the people from the India Association who have stepped up to provide tutoring for 4C youth,” said Hazel Cameron, executive director, 4C Coalition. “This wonderful organization and the tutors it provides have been life savers for our youth.”
During the pandemic, many students have gotten behind in their course work and struggled to keep up. Tutors from the India Association have provided support in language arts, math, science and other core classes as well as help students access classes and complete their homework assignments.
Jayshree Krishnan, a former mentor and board member of the 4C Coalition, was instrumental in introducing the 4C Coalition to IAWW. Thank you, Jayshree!
Learn more about the work of the Indian Association of Western Washington.
4C Coalition receives $50,000 grant from Seattle Foundation
The 4C Coalition was recently awarded a grant of $50,000 from the Seattle Foundation. The grant is part of the Seattle Foundation’s commitment to focus more on racial equity by targeting grants to Black-led nonprofit organizations in King County who are serving the Black community.

Founded in 1999, the 4C Coalition is a Seattle-area nonprofit that matches King County youth with mentors recruited from a pool of dedicated and conscientious adults. Its programs have been a powerful force for change, surrounding young people with the care and attention they need.
“This grant will enable us to continue our important work to serve Black and other youth of color in King County,” said Hazel Cameron, executive director. “We are grateful to the Seattle Foundation for this award.”
In order to apply for the program, nonprofits and community groups had to be composed of predominantly Black staff, leadership and boards that served the Black community. The funds will provide resources to build political, economic and social power to ensure that the Black community in King County thrives.

In 2019, Seattle Foundation embarked on two projects to cultivate deeper relationships with Black-led organizations. One of these was a survey targeting 41 Black-led organizations in King County, in which 18 Black nonprofit leaders were interviewed. The researchers hoped to gain better insight into the work and experience of Black-led organizations and their leaders. Researchers asked these selected Black organizations about priority issues as well as their strengths and funding challenges. The Foundation’s report, “The Case for Investing in King County’s Black-led Organizations,” is available on the Seattle Foundation website.
We must take action to create change
At this moment, as we wait for the verdict in the George Floyd murder trial, I am experiencing grief, sadness and anger over his death and the continued killing, with no prosecution and no apology, to Black men, women and children. Like most of you, I am outraged but encouraged by the powerful movement we see not only in Seattle and Minneapolis but across this country and around the world.
I am encouraged change will come if we do not let up, and we continue to protest, contribute and support organizations such as My Brother’s Keeper Alliance Obama Foundation, Roland Martin Unfiltered, National CARES Mentoring Movement, Seattle CARES Mentoring Movement, Black Lives Matter Seattle King County, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, The National Urban League, or one of the many other African American organizations fighting for order and justice.
I know the pain so many are feeling as a mother. My son Glenn Page was assaulted by white men at the age of 23; this attack led to his death. It is taking years to fully charge the four white men who were charged with manslaughter.
I hurt for George Floyd’s mother and the mothers of Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown and all the other Black Americans who died at the hands of police. I am in full support of action to convict renegade police officers.
But I am also moved and encouraged by the solidarity of people, young and old of all races, who have come together on the streets coast-to-coast and across the world. Change must come — in policies, changes in leadership and change to the system.
I am with all those who cry for justice and protest injustice in policing, legal system, incarceration, under-resourced schools, lack of quality housing, unequal health care and inequality in employment opportunities.
I join my brothers and sisters in this time of change, and I vow to be part of the action to create this change.
Hazel Cameron, Executive Director, The 4C Coalition
Vita Vea: Super Bowl Champion and 4C Mentor
Vita Vea is a defensive tackle for the NFL Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and earlier this year, he helped his team defeat the Kansas City Chiefs 31-9 to become Super Bowl LV champions.
Before being drafted by the Buccaneers in the first round of the 2018 NFL Draft, Vita Vea played college football for the University of Washington. During his UW days, he was also a mentor in the 4C Coalition program.
In fact, seven UW football players recruited through Seattle Cares Mentoring Movement have mentored youth at the 4C Coalition. The mentor program is designed to inspire critical thinking, skills development and activism, and is focused on helping youth make good decisions.
It all started with UW professor Terry Scott, who suggested her students get involved in their community by becoming mentors. The UW Student Athlete Mentoring Program was begun in January 2016.
Seven student-athletes completed the training program and agreed to attend the Tuesday evening mentoring group. As the year progressed, the student mentors helped lead discussions. Huskies linebacker Azeem Victor talked about social media, emphasizing the importance of being mindful about what you post online. Defensive back Brandon Beaver led a discussion on prosperity and financial planning with one of the 4C mentees; wide receiver Dante Pettis was always on hand to keep the discussion lively.
Another discussion group was led by Huskies wide receiver John Ross, linebacker Ezekiel Turner and defensive backs Kevin King and JoJo Macintosh. These athletes emphasized the importance of making good decisions, and thinking before acting or speaking.
Student mentors get college credit for mentoring, but according to John Ross, “It’s not really about the class credit. I’m just interested in helping kids because that’s something I would like to do some time. ”
Read more here: Former Husky Vita Vea Made Super Comeback to Reach Super Bowl – Sports Illustrated Washington Huskies News, Analysis and More
It Happened on Friday Night

It is the summer of 1998 and Glenston Page Anderson and his girlfriend attend a mountain campsite for the annual high school senior party.
Nearly a hundred happy partiers arrive to celebrate the end of the school year. All the high schoolers are underaged and unsupervised and many had helped themselves to a great amount of beer. Glenn is one of a few African American students at the party.
Shortly after Glenn’s arrival, a small group of drunken seniors start an ugly scene. They start pushing and harassing a younger and smaller peer, who attended the party with Glenn. Glenn sees what’s happening and steps in to deescalate the situation and protect his friend. This was Glenn’s way to protect others.
Suddenly, without negotiation, the bullies quickly turn their focus towards Glenn, making him their primary target as he leaned against a truck.
Two bullies pin Glenn’s shoulders against the vehicle, ensuring that he cannot defend himself, while the third one smashes a heavy glass beer mug on Glenn’s forehead. Groups of teenagers gather around while a few shout racial epithets. Glenn, who is a proud African American, watched as the crowd around him rapidly increased in size. His friends rush to his aid but are unable to get through the large group of people. Outnumbered three to one, Glenn is left to defend himself.
His friends and girlfriend cannot believe what is happening, but finally get him on his feet. They rush him to the hospital where he receives 27 stitches.
Glen’s wound begins to heal and recover, living a seemingly normal life. His family followed medical protocol, taking him to regular check-ups. Then, three months later, Glenn woke up with an excruciating headache and didn’t want to go to school. He pulled his bedroom blinds down and rested in his room the entire day. Months later on a September morning Glenn woke up, got out of bed, and fell to the floor. He was rushed to Harborview Hospital where he went through eight hours of intensive surgery. Glenn never recovered, remaining in a coma for six agonizing years. The outcome was devastating to his mother, his friends and the many people who gathered at the hospital day in and day out. Hazel, Glenn’s mother, and her family helped care for him in the hospital, rehabilitation facilities and nursing homes. Glen was finally brought home in 2000 where he received 24-hour care. He continued to receive the love of his family and friends in a loving environment until he died in 2004.
The King County medical examiner determined that Glenn suffered a subdural hematoma, a hemorrhage of the brain, which caused the coma and his eventual death.
Meet Glenn Anderson
Glenn, Basketball, Friends and Mom
Glenn was born in New York City and moved here at 9 years old. Glenston Anderson grew up laughing and playing with close friends, spending time with his family, and excelling at what he did best, playing basketball.
As a young boy he slept with his basketball and dreamed of going to college and playing the game like his idol, Michael Jordan. Glenn was a good student, receiving an award in elementary school for perfect attendance. He was a tremendous teammate and a key player on the high school basketball team. He continued to spend his free time doing what he loved most … going to school, socializing with friends, and playing basketball.
Glenn’s basketball coach, Jack Madigan, said that, “His attitude was always positive.” Coach Madigan sat up a fundraiser that included sports figures, community leaders, and friends when Glenn was fighting for his life.
When he was not playing ball, Glenn enjoyed entertaining his friends and family. Those who knew him described him as excited about life. One of his friends wrote, “he was a good friend, and we could trust him. . . tell him anything and he would always be there for you. He was like a brother to us.”
He joined Young Life in high school and really loved attending the meetings and the cruise on Lake Malibu.
Glenn’s high school girl friend says, “Another thing I will always remember is how much he loved his mom. His mom was always at the forefront of his mind. That quality about him always melted my heart. There were a few times for one reason or another he was worried about his mom so I would just tell him to call her and check in. He never hesitated.” Hazel has a vivid memory of him going to the prom with his girlfriend and friends. She remembers meeting at his girlfriend Andrea’s house. “Her parents were outside taking photos before the kids got in the car to drive to the prom. This was one of my happiest moments of his life before the tragedy. “