Mentors Matter: Maggie Dyer


Maggie Dyer

“A perfect fit for me.”

“I wanted to work with young girls because high school was a difficult time for me. I wanted to help young women learn how to be themselves, and be confident in who they are,” says mentor Maggie Dyer.

Five years ago Maggie attended a United Way presentation about volunteer opportunities. They mentioned mentoring resources listed on their website. Maggie clicked on the 4C Coalition.

“When I saw the 4C mentoring program, I felt like it was perfect for me. I went through the training, and then they matched me with Andrea. We hit it off pretty quickly. She was 15 at that time. I am 10 years older than she is,” reports Maggie.

Andrea’s mother has been in and out of her life and her sister has raised her and her five siblings. Her home life has been rocky at times.

“The cool thing about the 4C is that they don’t want you to be like another parent in the youth’s life. I think I have been able to help and coach Andrea not as an authority figure but more so as a peer: someone Andrea looks up to, who is setting a positive example for her.  I think I’ve been a stable person in Andrea’s life during a time where a young person needs stability the most. It feels good that I am able to be someone she can always count on,” says Maggie.

According to Maggie, Andrea, who is now 19 and a Garfield High School graduate, has always had a good head on her shoulders, and is very smart. “She’s a great girl. What she’s overcome in her life, and the outlook that she has on her life, is fantastic. I can’t really take any credit because she started out being a pretty terrific young lady. She’s even more amazing now.”

“Mentoring Andrea has been an incredible experience. I have gotten to know someone who I now consider family, someone who I would drop anything for. It’s a nice feeling knowing that Andrea feels the same way. We are both very grateful to have found each other through the 4C.”